Amazon kdp for smartphone


Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is the largest and most popular e-book publishing platform. It's easy to use, so you can publish your own e-book in minutes. Of course, if you don't know how to use this system or have doubts about it, let us explain to you what KDP is and how it works.

How it works

Once you have a KDP account, it's easy to publish a book and make money. Here's how:

  • Register your new KDP account at https://kdp.amazon.com/self-publishing/.

  • Upload your manuscript in .docx format, along with any images and other files (up to 250 MB). If you don't have access to Word, Google Docs works just fine too!

  • Choose your price point for sale (and royalties), and set up advance reader copies for reviewers who want early access to your book prior to publication date. You can also customize the look of your ebook cover using templates found on Amazon's website or by purchasing a custom design from Fiverr—that works too!

KDP select

KDP select is a program that allows you to enroll your book in the Kindle Owners' Lending Library, Kindle Unlimited, and the Kindle Book Lending program.

As long as you're enrolled in KDP select, all of these features are available for your books:

  • The ability to make money through subscription programs like Kindle Unlimited and the new Kindle Oasis Waterproof with Audible built-in.

  • Free access to Amazon Prime Reading which includes more than 1,000 titles including books by James Patterson, Nora Roberts and Stephen King.

Enroll in kdp select

As a KDP Select author, your ebooks will be available for sale in the Kindle Store, which is accessible by millions of people around the world. Readers who already own a Kindle or are willing to purchase one can download your ebook and read it on their device.

To enroll in KDP Select, you simply have to choose “Yes” when prompted during the submission process. Enrolling will not cost you anything and will only take a few minutes of your time.

Kindle exclusive book

Kindle exclusive book

You can make your book exclusive to Amazon Kindle. You can make your book exclusive to Amazon Kindle for a period of 90 days, 6 months or 12 months. This means that only people who own a device that reads eBooks will be able to read your book on the Amazon platform and only when they buy it through the official website of the company (Amazon).

Free ebook promotion

To promote your book, you can use the free ebook promotion option. This lets you give away your book for free for a limited time.

You can also get more sales, reviews, downloads and subscribers by using this option to promote your books.

Rewards and pay out

Rewards are determined by your book's sales rank, which is based on how many books are being sold in the Kindle Store. Rewards can also be influenced by the time spent in the Kindle Store. So if your eBook is selling well and staying high on Amazon's charts, then you'll get a higher reward than if it has been out of stock for several days at a time (because people aren't buying it).

The number of rewards that you receive each month depends upon how many pages have been read within your eBook during that period and whether or not Amazon has made any changes to their system since its launch back in 2012. However, if there hasn't been any change then authors should understand that they will receive approximately $1 per 100 page reads (or more).

Kindle countdown deal

You can offer your ebook at a discount in the Kindle Countdown Deals program. You can choose the discount period, date when it starts and ends, and minimum price (the lowest price you’re willing to sell your book for).

If you want to allow customers who have already purchased your book to purchase additional copies at a reduced cost, set up this option in KDP Select while setting up your countdown deal.

It's free for me to register for

It's free for me to sign up.

I don't have to pay anything for registration. I don't have to pay any fees or money for it either.

Registering is simple and painless, so if you're thinking of registering with Amazon KDP, then do yourself a favor by signing up now!

KDP is the best place to publish e-book

If you want to publish an e-book, KDP is the best place to do it. This is because it is absolutely free for everyone:

  • You don't have to pay anything to register for KDP.

  • It's easy for readers to download your book from the Amazon app store or website.

  • It's free for you as an author to promote your book on social media, at conferences and events, etc., meaning that once readers find out about what you've written they'll be more likely to buy it than if they'd never heard of you.


As you can see, KDP is a very useful tool, especially for writers who want to publish e-books on their own without having to give up the rights to their work. You'll be able to manage your books and promotions with ease while also making money with Amazon's affiliate program. It's easy enough that anyone can use it - even if they don't know how HTML works! I hope you find this article helpful in helping you decide what type of promotion is right for your business needs.

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